Treatments for Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit our office. Some people have shoulder pain that stems from an actual problem with their shoulder. For others, their shoulder pain may be a symptom of something going on in another part of the body. It could be a symptom of a musculoskeletal issue, such as one affecting the neck or the back, or it could be a symptom of an issue affecting another part of the body, such as the diaphragm or even the heart.
Shoulder pain could stem from multiple issues. For this reason, when looking at shoulder pain, it is important for our doctor to be on the lookout for any red flags that could indicate that the patient is suffering from a more serious health issue that will require intensive or urgent care.
The shoulder is a complicated series of bones, ligaments, tissues and muscles. All of these work together to provide you with the full range of motion you currently have. Muscles and tendons work together with bones to provide you with the strength and dexterity needed from your shoulder in everyday life. The shoulder is full of pain sensors that are activated when injury occurs.
The number one reason why people have shoulder pain is because they have a job or a hobby that requires them to make repetitive movements. They may have a job where they hold onto a vibrating tool or a vibrating machine that affects the structural integrity of the shoulder. Shoulder pain can also stem from psychological factors. For example, stress, pressure and frustration can cause a person to become tense, which in turn leads to shoulder pain. Athletic activities, whether performed by professionals or by amateurs, can result in a shoulder injury.
Athletes who perform contact sports, such as football or hockey, may experience shoulder damage as a result of the high impacts their shoulders sustain. Other athletes like basketball players, golfers and baseball pitchers may experience shoulder damage because of the repetitive motion they use when carrying out their sports.
When our doctor is determining the reason behind shoulder pain, he will look at your health history. As he examines you, he may ask you questions such as where the pain is coming from. If the pain is coming from the shoulder, it may be an indication of one type of injury. If it is coming from the neck, it may be an indication of a different type of injury.
Our doctor will also look for red flags. For example, if there is some form of swelling, abdominal discomfort or weight loss, this could be an indication that there is a tumor or some form of mass in the shoulder. Recent trauma may be an indication of a dislocation.
The human shoulder is a marvel of design. It is complicated and easy to injure. However, with care and the proper diagnostic tools, the reason behind most shoulder injuries can be identified and addressed through a variety of treatments. Make an appointment at the office of Albert R. Swafford M.D., Inc. to learn about your treatment options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.